Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Colores Unidos

Students who attended the 2008 Latino Educational Achievement Program (LEAP) conference came back inspired to put their knowledge to work. The students, from various district high schools, organized to form the group Colores Unidos.

The students developed a Statement of Purpose and Common Beliefs, outlining their desire to build connections by bringing students of different cultures and races together, and to focus on academic achievement and leadership opportunities. The group hopes to create a sense of belonging for all students within their schools.

Colores Unidos was pleased to be invited to make a presentation to district administrators. The students spoke about the purpose and goals of the group, and also asked administrators to consider how they can support Colores Unidos in their schools. Students offered the following areas as examples:

  • House and encourage Latino clubs in schools
  • Increase the number of teachers of color
  • Include multi-racial history courses (i.e. Chicano, African American, Native, Asian, etc. histories)
  • Inform students about the DREAM Act
  • Pay attention to legislation affecting undocumented students
  • Encourage career center personnel to welcome students of color in learning about resources available to all students
  • Educate students of color about financial aid opportunites
  • Encourage all students to seek post-secondary education
Many administrators responded positively; Edmonds-Woodway HS is working to bring Lillian Ortiz-Self, Hispanic Affairs Commissioner, to provide leadership training for the students. Colores Unidos looks forward to connecting, growing, and focusing on student achievement.

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