Monday, November 12, 2007

Seattle Race Conference

Several FASC members attended the 2007 Seattle Race Conference, accompanied by a group of students. We were pleased to see some representation from the district as well, with one of our assistant superintendents, and the district Multicultural & Family Outreach Coordinator.

The theme of this year's conference was The Legacy of Racism in Our Neighborhoods. Here are some of the highlights*:

  • Excerpts from the film, Banished: American Ethnic Cleansings, and discussion with filmmaker Marco Williams.

  • Remembering Segregated Seattle and the Civil Rights Movements that Changed Our City -- Presentation by James N. Gregory, director of the Seattle Civil Rights and Labor History Project, and UW history professor.

  • The Road to Racial Justice - An intergenerational panel of community organizers talk about learning from our history, taking action today and imagining the future.

  • Undoing Racism & Uniting Our Communities - A skills-building session led by Dustin Washington, John Paige, and Martin Friedman, from the People's Institute Northwest.

  • "Hip Hop Hope Youth: Liftin' Up, Speakin' Out" - Youth from Power of Hope step up to the mic! Through rap, rhyme and poetry, the performers will address the issues of the conference with authenticity, vitality, and hope!

The sessions were powerful, informative, and inspiring. There were also breakout sessions enabling smaller groups to work and connect with others in various communities. It was very interesting to learn the history around race relations particular to the Seattle area, via Dr. Gregory's presentation. The website has extensive information and resources -- check it out!

We are looking forward to next year's conference already!

* courtesy of Seattle Race Conference website.

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